My Magic Grandpa Tarot Cards
Each chapter of My Magic Grandpa comes with its own relevant tarot card, so each card reflects on what happened in the chapter. Cards are revealed after each chapter is fully published. Here you can view the cards and their various meanings.
Note: Some chapters may not have a card.

Chapter 1
The Fool

The Fool is a very misunderstood card, it's not really a card representing idiocy. In fact, this card can be considered a call to adventure, a representation of new beginnings and taking a first step in to uncharted territory. It's also a card of opportunity and potential, and the recommendation that one should take that chance to achieve those things. The Fool should go forward with an open mind and let go of anxieties as they leap in to the unknown. This is a leap of faith, no need to worry about preparations, just go forth on your adventure! Have fun, get creative, laugh, enjoy what life has to offer! Reversed, The Fool can mean that something is holding you back from taking that much needed leap of faith. Maybe you feel you're not ready to take those chances, or something is in your way and holding you back. It can also mean that you're being reckless and charging forward too quickly without considering the consequences. It's a good idea to pay attention to the people around you and to make sure you're not hurting anyone with your impulsive actions.
Chapter 2
Ace of Swords
You know what they say, the pen is mightier than the sword! This chapter's tarot card is the Ace of Swords. This card is about ideas and opportunities opening up. You might have a breakthrough or the inspiration you need to start a new project, or maybe you've been trying to solve an issue and now is the time to find the solution. This card means your mind is rearing to go for expanding and opening up to the world around you. The road ahead may be bumpy, but if you channel your inspirational energies you should achieve your goals. The Ace of Swords is also about finding the truth and upholding justice, so if you're dealing with something you truly believe is right, fight for it. Reversed this card says that while you may have ideas, you're not ready to share them yet. You should give yourself time to think it through and decide how to best work with this idea. It might also mean you're trying to form an idea, but it's not coming together properly so you'll likely need to break it down and try again. Finally, it could mean you're not thinking clearly, you're missing the information you need to figure things out so you need to try to gather evidence and info to get back in your right mind.

Chapter 3
The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a figure that gives insight in to the subconscious and to hidden mysteries. She is a teacher and a guide who will help you understand more about the universe and the things most people don't know, like secrets. This is a card of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom, and it says that now is the time where you'll be able to search deeper in to your soul than you usually can. It's a good time to meditate and ground yourself, and start asking the big questions, because your intuition should be higher now. Search for the things in your life that are lacking and need balance or are proving to be more difficult and look for solutions. This is a feminine card, so it also encourages you to embrace your wisdom, compassion, and empathy. Reversed this card can mean that a lot of things are keeping you from focusing on yourself when you really need to. Don't worry about other peoples' opinions or outside influences, ask yourself what YOU want. Maybe you're having a hard time with trusting yourself, you need to reach deep within and learn to work with yourself more. This could also mean that there is gossip and secrets being kept from you, but you shouldn't panic over it, you need to address the issue calmly and work it out with the people you think might be doing this.
Chapter 4
Eight of Cups
The eight of cups could mean that you're feeling the need to walk away from a situation that might end up disappointing. You haven't been feeling fulfilled, and it feels like it's time to let it go and move on. It could also mean that something seems to be missing in your life, and whatever situation you're in may be the cause of those feelings. Again, you might be considering leaving things behind in order to escape this vicious empty cycle. This is also the card of an escapist who wants to get away from the things that are troubling them. You might be ignoring your issues and are in denial that you need to do something about them. When you should be looking for help, instead you lock yourself up and pretend you're fine. You need to ask yourself what really brings you happiness, and weigh your options as you consider making a change and dropping what's bothering you. Reversed this card has conflict, you can either walk away, or try one more time. Really ask yourself, 'is it worth it?' Paired with a passive card, it's suggested that you try again, but if it's a card of action it's probably best to let it go. Take the time to consider what it is you want most deep down in your heart, and go with what feels right. Another meaning of the reversed Eight of Cups is that you're not feeling satisfied no matter where you go, so you're drifting from place to place trying to find something to fix that issue. Again... What truly makes you happy? Introspection on this is important if you want to get any fulfillment.

Chapter 5
Six of Cups

The six of cups is a representation of innocence, childhood memories, and joy. It could mean that you're revisiting your past somehow, be it in thoughts or going somewhere familiar or meeting someone from a long time ago. These are happy memories with fond nostalgia. Something to consider is to reconnect with your inner child, don't be ashamed of it. It might also mean there are going to be children in your life somehow, be it a pregnancy or family or just spending time with kids. Your relationships may be more balanced and giving on both sides, and if you'd been having some challenges with them before it's a good time for a new beginning. Reversed, this is a card of heavy reflection and finding peace. You might be stuck in the past, wishing for what you lost or unable to find peace from less than pleasant memories. You need to step back and start looking forward again, try to come to terms with your past. Forgiveness is important, some things you just need to let go of. The reversed card could mean there's something from your past that you are focused on, but want to keep secret, often for fear of judgement. Lastly, perhaps you've lost connection with your inner child, and you desperately need to get back in touch with them. Try to think of ways to do this, have a little fun!
Chapter 6
Seven of Wands
The seven of wands is a card that means you're going to be facing a challenge, be it by people filled with envy, people who want to take you down in some way, or obstacles in the way of your creative pursuits. You need to protect whatever it is that is being challenged. With success often comes people who will dislike and oppose you, so if you've found yourself more popular lately, be prepared for people who might try to come after you. You may be caught off guard, not expecting these challenges. Try to observe and plan out your next move carefully, and have a plan for the worst scenario. This card may also appear if there's something you wish to speak publicly about. You should prepare to back up your points and arguments and loyally defend what you believe in. Reversed the card could imply that all this pressure from the challenges you're facing is leaving you exhausted. But you should keep pushing forward, once you overcome these obstacles you'll feel a lot better. It could be that you have too many projects or tasks set out for yourself, and you need to narrow it down to a few in order to move forward. Other people might feel intimidating to compete with and you're feeling self doubt, now is the time to try to build up your confidence. You may also be facing a lot of criticism, but you need to stand your ground with your beliefs and who you are. You can't make everyone happy, but you need to focus on you. If you're finding yourself giving up too easily whenever someone challenges you, you need to start asking yourself why. And if you feel like you've tried everything and did everything you could but still haven't succeed, it's time to move on.

Chapter 7
Three of Wands

The three of wands is a card that represents big plans going underway. If you have a big dream, it just may be in your sights and you're taking the right steps to get there! A lot of good chances will be coming your way to help you along, so make sure you prepare for it! Stay determined and be prepared to go out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals. Be confident in your goals and push them further! Dream big! This card might also suggest looking for travel opportunities to broaden your horizons. Dive in to the unknown, explore, and learn! Reversed, the three of wands suggests that while opportunities are there for you, you might be closed off to actually taking advantage of them. It's a kick in the butt telling you that you should really go for it, and stop holding yourself back. Or maybe you already tried to move forward with your goals, but things didn't go as planned and you may have had setbacks. Even if it's frustrating and it feels like you wasted time, the experience is essential to your growth in the future. This card might also pop up in reverse because your projects or plans have or might come to a halt for one reason or another, something is keeping you from progressing. To avoid this try to plan ahead for any hangups so you can get through it as quickly as possible. Finally, it's possible that you feel you bit off more than you can chew and your goals weren't properly prepared for. You should try to break things down in to smaller tasks so the plan as a whole doesn't feel as daunting.
Chapter 8
Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is a creative card, implying new ideas and opportunities. Embrace your imagination and curiosity and don't be afraid to pursue your dreams. Look to your inner child to help you with these ideas. It is suggested that you try to discover a new aspect of yourself, you can do this by studying, learning, and exploring your emotions and creative goals. You shouldn't be ashamed of your emotions, but instead freely express them. Be intuitive and look for signs to guide you on your path. This card might also turn up to indicate a pleasant surprise that could be emotional or creative. Reversed, the Page of Cups implies you might be keeping your creative ideas to yourself, possibly worrying about other people stealing those ideas. Take time to develop your ideas further before considering showing them to others. You might also have a project in mind but feel it's doomed to fail. Ask yourself if this is reasonable, and what harm could be done in trying anyways. There's a chance of success, and should you fail it could serve as a good lesson to helping you improve on future projects. You could also be suffering art block, whether it be from questioning and doubting yourself or just feeling stuck. Lastly this could indicate immaturity, be it in yourself or someone else. This is someone who does not have a proper grasp on their emotions and may be prone to tantrums or having unrealistic dreams and expectations.

Chapter 9
Queen of Pentacles

This is the card of a super mom, she's loving, nurturing, supportive, and able to carry the household on her back. She is able to balance between family and work no problem! If you get this card it could mean you've taken on a parental role that calls for use of your head and your heart. You may have a number of responsibilities both at home and at work and you strive to keep them balanced, providing both love and security for your loved ones. This is also a card for independent 'you' time, you may be working hard but you need to prioritize yourself sometimes in order to continue to keep up this incredible balancing act. Security is another major point to this card, both financially and for your general living situation. You've found it or you're providing it for others. Your family is important and you want to share your prosperity with them. You should maintain a calm, nurturing attitude when dealing with your issues, you may find things will work out better with less fuss this way. A mother figure in your life may be important right now, be it your actual mother, a mentor, a nurturing friend, or someone else who embodies the super mom charactaristics. This person can help you when you need emotional support, perhaps with demons from the past or current struggles.
Chapter 10
Six of Pentacles
This card is a card of wealth and generosity. Be it money, your time, your affection, or your knowledge, whatever it is, you have it in abundance and give it charitably. Good things are coming your way to pay back your kindness! If you're worried that you're giving too much, this card assures that it will be worth it. You might be planning on, or already have given someone who's down on their luck a loan. This isn't meant to be a long term fix, but a short term solution. Try to think of what is best to help this person sustain themselves. On the flipside, you might be the one receiving the loan or gift which is meant to help you recover. Try not to think of it as you being desperate, you're just getting what you need in order to better take care of yourself and find stability. Don't completely depend on others' generosity, but don't turn it away either. If the card is reversed, it might be time for some self care. You might have been giving giving giving, but not really doing much for yourself. Treat yourself! Or, the people you've given loans to aren't paying you back, and you might not be able to get what was owed, but you can learn from this experience to not give out loans to them again or to figure out another way for them to pay you back. You need to be careful that you're not giving too much, when the card is reversed it's good to be aware of what you can and can't spare. Be it money or energy or something else, if you're over generous you're going to hurt yourself. Be careful about getting into debt, it might be bigger than you bargained for. Your generosity should come from selflessness, not from trying to prove you're a better person, so be aware of why you're giving. Are you wanting attention? Trying to impress someone? You must realize that generosity is for the other person, and you may not get something in return. Finally, the reversed six of pentacles could mean that you're in a relationship where the other person constantly takes but never really gives. Be careful that the other person isn't taking advantage of your generous nature.

Chapter 11
Eight of Wands

The eight of wands is a card of action and going full steam ahead. You might have been experiencing hold ups and obstacles but now is the time to get moving on whatever projects or goals you may have. Expect to be busy, but in a good, productive way. Embrace the flow, if you try to slow down now you'll waste your chance to accomplish quite a bit. Focus on what it is you want, take your actions with clear intent, and do away with distractions. Not only is this card an indication that you can make headway on existing goals, but it also opens the door for a new goal or project to take on. The other thing this card can indicate is more literal to what it depicts, air travel. For one reason or another you'll likely be traveling by plane somewhere. Reversed, it means if you've been powering through something, now's a good time to slow down. Don't be so quick to jump to action or go with the first ideas you get, take a little time to consider other options. You're probably losing focus, as long as you keep jumping from one idea to the next you're not going to get anything accomplished. If you're trying to resist some kind of change that is happening, you really should try to learn to accept it and make a plan for it. The card also indicates you may experience delays. However, reversed eight of wands can also mean you've been gathering your resources for something you plan to do, and the card is telling you to go ahead and get to work on it.
Chapter 12
The Moon
The Moon card shows a manifestation of fear and illusions. Your past traumas and anxieties could be affecting the now and influencing what you think the future might be. Seek healthy ways to address these fears, such as therapy, discussing with a friend, meditation, and introspection. Also be aware that things may not be what they seem, you might not have the full picture so you should step back and really examine the things in front of you so you don't make a mistake. Use your intuition, and if your dreams seem to be trying to tell you something, pay close attention to them. The full moon is on your side, use it to your advantage by doing something special or important during the full moon. Reversed, The Moon means you've been dealing with your fears and uncertainties, and you're now coming to a point of overcoming them. They're lessening, and it probably feels liberating. Though, the reverse card can also indicate that you're stuffing these feelings down, and it's not going to keep working, you'll need to confront them sooner or later. You might be feeling like something is trying to tell you something, but it's hard to understand what it is. Listen to your conscious and trust your gut, and pay special attention to your dreams or anything that seems like it can't be a coincidence.

Chapter 13
King of Swords
The King of Swords is intelligent, courageous, and respected, and these traits give him power. This card could be referring to you, or someone you are associated with or should become associated with. Others often listen to this person in authority and trust their strong intellect. This is someone who uses logic over emotions to solve problems and finds the truth of things with a clear mind. Sometimes it is necessary to put emotions aside in order to find the best answer. Being blunt can be the most efficient way to get to the core of an issue. If this doesn't sound like you then it could be talking about a professional advisor of some kind that you either know or need to seek out. Perhaps you need legal or financial advice, and it's time to seek a professional on the matter. It may be costly but is what is needed. Reversed, the card can represent a number of things. Scattered thoughts over making a decision, when you should be logical you're being emotional instead and it's clouding your judgement. Or maybe you or someone you know has let their intelligence get to their head, giving them an ego that is harmful to others and people should be wary of them. It could also be a more subtle version of the upright card, where intelligence is power but not in an authoritative way, though it is incredibly useful and important none the less.
Chapter 14
Ten of Wands
The Ten of Wands is a card of heavy burden and responsibility. Burden can come in many forms and many stages, so try to keep this in mind when you get this card. It can have a few meanings depending on the circumstance. This could mean you're working hard or need to work hard for a good payoff that is worth the hard work. It could also be saying that you're working much too hard and have too much on your plate and you need to take a step back and get your priorities straight. You also may have just achieved your goal from hard work, but find yourself still working hard to maintain it. Consider finding ways to lighten your burden. The Tens in the tarot deck are about endings and conclusions, so the end is in sight for whatever you're burdened with. You will finally be able to lay your weary head to rest. Reversed also has quite a few meanings depending on the circumstance. It could be that you're taking on too much by yourself and need to reach out for help or lessen the workload. Do some serious self care, you need it! Another meaning could be that your burdens are being kept secret, and they've really been affecting you lately. There are people out there willing to understand and listen, it could really help to let someone know what you're going through. It might be that you're burdening yourself where you really don't need to, taking on extra work that could honestly be put aside without issue. Finally, there's a possibility that you just have too much stuff. Clothes, files, papers piling up, things like that. It's a good time to get rid of what you don't need any more to clear up some clutter and free up your environment.

Chapter 15
The Tower

The tower is a card of major change, turmoil, and chaos. Something big is happening, be it with your relationships, job, beliefs, way of life, or more. There is nothing you can do but to ride it out and try to come out better for it. Ultimately, this will be for your own good but it's not going to be at all easy. It could be that you have had lies built up around you and you're finally getting a crash course in the truth, and this will shake you to your very core but it is a necessary step to make in order to make positive changes. You will question reality, not knowing what is up or down, truth or lies, what you can and can't trust. Confusion and disorientation will cloud your thoughts but this is where you discard falsehoods and embrace what's real and true. You may get this card as a warning in order to prepare or even prevent these chaotic events from taking over and uprooting your foundation. Reversed, The Tower suggests a personal change within yourself. A time of self discovery and repurposing, the turmoil you feel is within and your journey to change will be treacherous and difficult, but necessary. You may have a spiritual awakening or an existential crisis, either way it's going to be a big shift in what you know of yourself. The card reversed can also mean that you are resisting much needed change, maybe you are even in denial of the changes that are coming or occurring. Maybe you're clinging stubbornly to your old ways but those ways aren't doing you any good. The more you hide, the more the tower tilts, so if you don't want things to get worse than they are, it's time to let go and give in to the changes that are happening around you. Of course, the reversed card can also be a preemptive warning, you can see the chaos coming but you have time to prepare and plan for it.
Chapter 16
Three of Cups
The Three of Cups is a card of comradery and celebration, and represents the bonds and achievements we make with others. There’s a strong connection here, be it friends, family, coworkers, or something else with the group that just makes everything better. Maybe it’s a bond you already have, or a bond you’re about to form. Whatever the case, there’s probably a social event around the corner and it’s a good time to really spend time with your group and do something fun or amazing.
This card can also be encouraging you to collaborate on a project with other people, usually something creative. This could also include attending classes for something, indicating a group environment will do you some good. Reversed the card can have quite a few meanings, depending on your circumstances. For one example, it’s a card that suggests you should try to do something alone, you’re being held back by the groups you’re in or maybe there’s tension in your group. Now is a good time to step away and take a little you time. If you’ve been working on a collaborative project, take a break to do something on your own. You might also be over stressing yourself with work and projects, and because of this you’ve been neglecting your loved ones. Step back. Take some time away from your work, and spend time with the people you love. They are probably missing your presence lately.
Alternatively, have you been out partying too much? Getting into really crazy group activities? You might be over indulging yourself, and you need to be mindful of what’s best for you. This card is suggesting you slow down and reconsider just how much you’re doing. Finally this reversed card could be trying to tell you there’s a third person involved in one of your relationships, and not in a good way. It could be a toxic person, an affair, someone who’s jealous of your relationship, someone who’s trying too hard to involve themselves in your relationship, and other similar situations.

Chapter 17

The Strength card is a card of inner strength, perseverance, and courage. What people may not see on the outside, you have in abundance on the inside with calm and patient resilience. If hard times are upon you, this card tells you to look to your inner strength to get through it. You can bring balance and guidance to tough situations, being persistent but calm as you deal with obstacles. You don't need excessive force or power to overcome the things that get in the way, what you have on the inside is made of tough enough stuff to handle it.
Perhaps someone you know is in need of your strength, or there is a fear you need to overcome and face with bravery. Trust yourself and move forward and don't give into the bad things around you. Your raw instincts might be pulling you but you should take a step back and not let them take over. Think logically and stand your ground to make the best and boldest decisions. You might feel anger and rage but it's time for you to move past that and find peace and forgiveness.
Reversed, the strength card asks you to examine yourself and be aware if you're lacking confidence or being TOO confident or too emotional.
If you feel you're lacking, try to rekindle your inner strength. Look to your past achievements and observe the best aspects of yourself, you're probably a lot stronger than you realize.
If you're feeling burnout from being the strong one, it's okay to step back and take a break. Take care of your own needs so you can replenish yourself and get back on your feet. You don't always have to be the one keeping things together.
You might be finding yourself more emotionally impulsive and vulnerable, reacting strongly to negative emotions. Don't repress these emotions, but instead try to find a way to channel them in a healthy, useful way. Re-frame them, get a handle on them, and seek help if it's challenging for you. A good friend, mentor, or a therapist might be just what you need to get your emotions in check.
Chapter 18
Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords indicates you're being plagued with worry, anxiety, and nightmares. Negative thoughts won't stop repeating in your head and you may even be losing sleep over it because it's just that overwhelming. Your obsession with these thoughts only makes them worse until they'll be spiraling out of control. You need to be careful that you don't allow your worries to cause the very fears you're stuck cycling on to occur, because sometimes in the greatest attempts to avoid your fears, you end up manifesting them instead. A lot of this overwhelming fear is really just in your head as you think up the worst possible outcomes and scenarios. You need to take a step back and re-examine your anxieties, and try to see the other side of things. Look for the good, and the things that can go right, outweigh the unlikeliness of things going wrong, and try to tell yourself that it's probably not as bad as you think it is. It may be a good time to seek help, as facing these anxieties alone will make things more difficult. Confide in friends, family, or a mental health professional so that you can get the assurance and guidance you need to overcome these dark and terrifying thoughts. Even just opening up to some strangers in an appropriate setting like a mental health forum or a blog can prove helpful if you can talk to the right people.
Reversed the card is quite similar to its upright position. Your thoughts cause a lot of inner turmoil and you're probably making things much worse than they actually are. You're practically frozen with fear, unable to move forward or take the next step you need to take, paralyzing you from doing whatever needs to be done. You're probably keeping this to yourself, but finding someone to confide in and open up to can really help you overcome these thoughts.
The reversed card can also indicate you're being much too hard on yourself. You're letting your doubts take over and you're not giving yourself enough credit or self care. You need to question why you're feeling this way and if it's really warranted to be so tough on yourself. Lastly, it could be saying you've already worked through these difficult emotions, and maybe you've figured out the cause and how to overcome it. You're already on your way to recovery and you're doing a good job of keeping your worries in check.

Chapter 19
Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is a card of bliss, celebration and festivities. Now is a time to appreciate the good things, and a social event is a great way to do it! Weddings, birthdays, festivals, all are possibilities with this card, and you should spend time with your friends at whatever event this is.
You may have been working hard to achieve things, so now you can take a break and revel in it, really appreciate it! Maybe you've been working on a project, and you've gotten past an important part of it or even finished it. You've earned a good pat on the back. You've found security, so let yourself be happy.
The card can be an indication that you are coming home to your loved ones where you have support and care. Or perhaps you're not coming home, but are instead moving to a new home where you should settle in and enjoy yourself!
Reversed this card can mean a more personal celebration, something you're proud of yourself for but not exactly something you're wanting to share with others. This is fine, you deserve self praise. It might be good to consider celebrating with others when you're ready.
You may have found more harmony and stability within yourself, inner peace for example. Maybe you've figured out your purpose in life, or overcome a personal emotional hurdle.
Unfortunately the reversed card can also mean a shaky foundation with friends and family. Things might be tense with those you care about for whatever reason. If not the people you know, it could be that there is instability in your life in general such as some kind of awkward transition. It is important you get through this, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you.
Chapter 20
The Magician
The Magician card means you'll have the resources to make your dreams and creations come true. When you bring these resources together you will have something more valuable than the parts that made it. If you've had an idea floating around in your head, this is the best time to make it really happen.
Be sure that you have a clear vision of what you want before you begin, and take a strong hold of it. You need to have a special connection with your goal, something that needs to truly matter to you on a personal level.
For the best results, you need to focus on this one task as much as you can, and try to avoid any distractions. Come up with an effective schedule that will allow you to concentrate on your goal.
Reversed, the card could mean that you're still trying to form your idea and you're uncertain if you have all the tools you need for it. You should take the time to really think on it to bring it to the next step where it can begin to come into existence.
If you are already working on your project or goal, you might be struggling to see any progress and things are feeling more difficult to keep focus on. You might have lost your passion or forgot why this was important to you. Take a moment to pause and take a few steps back to re-examine things and find where you went astray.
Ask yourself what your intentions are and if you are only pursuing this goal out of a sense of greed or selfishness. This is something that needs to be more personal and meaningful, something that doesn't come at anyone else's expense. Re-examine why and how you want these things to come to fruition, and if you're in the best mindset for it.

Chapter 21
Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is a card of deep thought, contemplation, and introspection. It also can be a card of retreating into the mind with a sort of apathy.
There may be opportunities coming your way, but you're not wanting to or can't take them for whatever reason, be it having too much to do already, to being cautious from being hurt before, or not being interested. That or you really need to think about things and ground yourself before taking on anything big or new. Now is probably not the time to jump on an opportunity, but later, it will be.
Look out for any signs or revelations that will give you the 'go-ahead' on your next move, and make sure this is the right choice.
This card could also mean that you're struggling with boredom and apathy, not finding interest in things and feeling numb. Taking the time to meditate or think deeply about things is a good way to get through this state, try to figure out what might be wrong. Consider speaking with a therapist if life is feeling dull and you're having a hard time introspecting on your own.
Reversed, the card suggests that you are shutting everything and everyone out to introspect for yourself, but it would be a good idea to let people know you need alone time so you don't accidentally hurt anyone. Be aware of the people you may be closing out right now, and consider their feelings. You might be holding things back from them that would be important for them to know, and closing them out just isn't the solution.
Take the time you need, and take baby steps to reintegrating things into your life so you can face the world again with a fresh perspective.
You might be feeling depressed or a lack of inspiration, and while it's good to take a break you can't stay like this forever. Take your break with the intention of coming back to what you need when you've had time to yourself.
Chapter 22
The Chariot
The Chariot is a card of taking action and powering forward with strong will and determination. There are goals to be met and nothing should stop you from reaching for them. Commitment, dedication, and hard work will help you achieve what you want.
You've made your decisions and now it is time to act on them. Things are likely to come up as obstacles, but you must not let them stop you from going forward. What you've set out to achieve is worth fighting for and it is not the time to be giving up.
The Chariot is here to tell you that ambitious project you've been debating on is worth pursuing, but it's going to take everything you've got to see it succeed. No shortcuts, no cheating, but pure hard work and dedication.
This card also asks you to be more assertive and confident, to not take things lying down and to set whatever boundaries you need to.
Of course, being the Chariot, this card can also represent travel, a roadtrip, a plane flight, a cruise, or anything else that might get you from one place to another a long distance away.
Reversed, this card means you are probably hitting a road block in your project and you need to back up and re-examine the situation before even considering moving forward. There's something you are missing and you're not going to find it by trying to force it out and barrel forward without stopping to figure out if what you're doing is even the correct course of action.
You might be letting things get in the way of your goals and it's frustrating, so you need to decide if what you're doing is worth it and if the roadblocks are worth overcoming.
Look inward to build the strength and will that you need to keep going, buckle down, and remain disciplined if you really want things to work out for you.
Lastly, you might be micromanaging your own life and this is putting too much on your shoulders. You need to start letting things happen as they happen or you're going to be a detriment to yourself.